“Christian Schools Australia is proud to be an innovative and purpose-driven organisation. We are committed to our vision of seeing Australia, enriched by thriving Christian schools creating a positive global impact. As a team, we look forward to seeing God’s plan for this future generation unfold with hope, excitement and vitality." - Daniel Pampuch, CEO
Dr. Daniel Pampuch
Chief Executive Officer
Daniel has over 25 years’ experience in Christian Education. He has oversight over CSA’s strategic direction, political advocacy, research, resource and program development, and se...
Mark Spencer
Director of Public Policy
Mark is responsible for advocacy on behalf of CSA member schools in a wide range of educational policy as well as areas relating to religious freedom and equal opportunity and disc...
Dr. Darren Iselin
Director of Research & Innovation
Darren has over 3 decades leadership experience within Christian education in both Australian and international contexts and has served in a wide range of CEO/executive and senior ...
Dr. Maria Varlet
Director of Professional Learning Programs & Services and EO, Vic/Tas
Dr Maria Varlet has been involved in Christian Education for over 30 years, holding a variety of leadership positions including Head of Research & Innovation and Campus Principal. ...
Trudy Figueroa
Executive Officer - Operations
With a career spanning over 30 years, Trudy serves as the Executive Officer - Operations at Christian Schools Australia (CSA). Her extensive experience, particularly in Finance and...
Tanya Pampuch
National Marketing and Events Manager
With over two decades of experience in administration and event management within education and hospitality, Tanya serves as the National Events and Marketing Manager at Christian ...
Jess Kapitola
National Communications, Social Media and Project Development
Jess is currently serving as National Communications, Social Media and Project Development and is based in WA, where together with the Executive Officer, Laurelle, she helps to sup...
Mrs. Dianne Fraser
Digital Communications Officer
Dianne has a background in communications and media, primarily within the education sector. She has over 25 years of experience in Christian and not-for-profit groups, holding dive...
Ian Liney
Executive Officer - NSW/ACT
Ian commenced with CSA in January 2022 in the role of Executive Officer, NSW/ACT. Ian has spent the past 15 years as Principal of Wyong Christian Community School a K-12 school of ...
Mrs. Laurelle Coto
Executive Officer - WA
Laurelle has over 25 years of experience in Christian education, including senior leadership positions as Principal and Head of School for both Primary and Secondary. She is a dyna...
Mark Ryan
Executive Officer - SA
Mark Ryan has been part of the CSA team since 2019 in the role of Executive Officer, SA. Mark has previous experience in leadership roles at Temple Christian College and has degre...
Andrew Taylor
Executive Officer - QLD
Andrew Taylor, currently serves as the Executive Officer, Qld and has over 30 years' experience in a range of leadership roles in education and has spent the last 15 years focusing...
Heidi Campbell
Staff Relations Service Manager
Heidi is part of the team at CSA in the role of Staff Relations Support Officer. Heidi provides assistance to member schools in relation to enterprise agreements, staff management ...
Monika Zanardo
Executive Assistant, VIC/TAS
Monika brings a wealth of experience in various administration/EA roles and a strong background in church ministry to her current position as Executive Assistant. In her role, she ...
Denise Parcell
Executive Assistant, NSW/ACT
Denise has been part of the team at Christian Schools Australia since 2019, specifically in the role of Administration and Communication Support Officer for NSW and ACT. Her role e...
Lili Croote
Executive Assistant, WA
Lili serves as the Executive Assistant, WA and provides help and support to our WA member schools together with our other WA State team. With a background in construction managemen...
Amanda Jusaitis
Executive Assistant, SA
Prior to working at CSA, Amanda worked in administration for the Australasian Religious Press Association, Trinity Church Colonel Light Gardens, Adelaide and Serco Immigration Serv...
Harriet Yang
Harriet has been part of the team at CSA for a number of years. She works as part of the national team and is based in the Sydney office. Harriet serves in the role of Accountant a...
Jordan Abou-Zeid
Communications & Research Advisor
Jordan serves in the role of Communication and Research Adviser, working together with our Director of Public Policy, providing assistance with CSA's advocacy work. With his divers...
Kathryn Button
Global Connect Director
Kathryn has extensive experience in leadership in Christian and government schools, most recently as the Senior School Principal at Tyndale Christian School in South Australia. She...
Sue Skuthorpe
Global Connect Ambassador
Sue has been involved in education since 1971 and has worked within Christian Education since 1983. Over this time, Sue has served in a number of roles, including classroom teacher...
Sandra Scott
Global Connect Ambassador
Sandra has a wealth of experience in Christian education and teacher training within Australia and beyond and is CSA's expert on all things God's Big Story related. From 2011 – 201...

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