Christian Schools Australia (CSA) is the largest association of Christian schools in the country and has member schools educating over 86,000 students and employing over 13,500 staff at more than 200 locations across Australia. CSA member schools provide high quality education within an authentic Christian learning community.

About CSA

Christian Schools Australia (CSA) is a national association providing support for the delivery of Christ centered educational excellence within Christian Schools. Established in 2002, CSA is committed to advancing the Kingdom of God by advocating, supporting and resourcing Christian schools, and their wider school communities.

CSA supports and serves member schools directly and through extensive professional, development and networks. CSA provides professional services, bespoke resources, direct assistance, information and advice to its members. We are a voice for Christian schools, advocating for their needs in the national and global environment.

Become a Member

Annual Reports

Structure and Governance

All that CSA does is shaped by a purposeful commitment to a vision of Christ-centred education that honours God. CSA consists of independent Christian schools, both single and multi-campus entities, that are self-governing. CSA is registered with the ACNC and follows the principles of policy governance, with a small team of executive officers and support staff.

CSA is governed by a National Council, operates as a “policy governance” board, and has responsibility to the member schools for achieving the purposes for which CSA was established. The National Council approves the overall vision and objectives of the organisation from time to time, while operations and management are delegated to the CEO.

As indicated in the CSA Constitution, the Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of the beliefs of the company and its members. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the foundation of all that the company and its members believe.

Statement of Faith

Charter of Membership

Vision and Strategic Plan

In pursuit of excellence in education, the mission of Christian Schools Australia is to assist and support families by equipping students to embrace biblical truth, strive for academic excellence, and model Christ-like leadership to influence their homes, churches and communities for eternity. The purpose of Christian school education is the educational and spiritual development of each child.

The vision of CSA can be seen in three parts: CSA 1.0 Preserve a Place, CSA 2.0 Embed Christian Distinctive, and CSA 3.0 Create Deeper Propositions. This is summed up in the CSA Architecture | Horizon 2020 & Beyond.

CSA Architecture

CSA has designed a framework or architecture outlining an approach that seeks to conceptualise the essential elements that make a Christian school distinct. Originally, the architecture focused on the retention of a Christian distinctive through the adoption of six levers. The revisioned 2020 Horizon and Beyond architecture seeks to frame Christian education in terms of stages of development and maturity. This new conceptualisation recognises that schools are on a pathway to maturity and have varying needs, depending on the age and stage of their community.

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"When I think of CSA’s commitment to quality Christian education, its involvement in research and helping member schools to offer the best they can whilst empowering them to ‘hold their position’ in matters of faith, I am tremendously encouraged and optimistic about the future of Christian Schools." Carol Davis, Principal, Emmanuel Christian Community School (2021-2023).