National Copyright Unit Webinar Series 


24 August 2023

The National Copyright Unit (NCU) is offering a series of free and practical webinars to help teachers navigate copyright while teaching. These webinars are aimed at Australian school  staff and are targeted to educators, librarians and administrators. Below are the details of webinars.  Register by selecting the highlighted topic.

The NCU Copyright Hour: Short webinars: Term 3 and 4 dates

One-hour sessions on specific copyright topics.  

Copyright for Resource Developers Tuesday 5 September (12 – 1pm AEST)
Copyright and Music Tuesday 12 September (12 – 1pm AEST)
Creative Commons Tuesday 17 October (12 – 1pm AEDT)
Using TV and Film in Schools Tuesday 7 November (12 – 1pm AEDT)
Using Text and Artistic Works in Schools Tuesday 14 November (12 – 1pm AEDT)

‘Copyright for Educators’ long-form webinar series

The webinars cover topics such as:

basic introduction to copyright
what schools and TAFEs are allowed to do under the various education licences
free education use exceptions – flexible dealing, exam copying, performing and communicating works in the classroom and disability access exceptions
guidelines for schools and TAFEs about teaching students online
using Netflix, YouTube and audiobooks in class, including virtual classes
finding and using ‘Creative Commons’ licensed material and ‘Open Education Resources’
livestreaming of music performances/concerts.


Longform Webinar Series 9-3pm AEDT (Syd/Melb/Canberra)


For more information on these webinars, please visit the Smartcopying website: or you can contact us at [email protected].


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