Launch of Faith NSW

3 October 2023

Director of Public Policy, Mark Spencer, was pleased to join NSW Premier Chris Minns, Treasurer Daniel Mookhey, Minister for Multiculturalism Steve Kamper and Lakemba MP Jihad Dib, at a gala dinner earlier this evening to mark the launch of Faith NSW.  It provided a wonderful opportunity to meet with Premier Minns, who affirmed during his presentation that “New South Wales is enriched by our vibrant multi-faith communities", and reiterated that he "was honoured to attend such an important event”.

The launch was attended by more than 200 faith leaders and community members.

Faith NSW, a coalition of faith groups across NSW, comprises representatives of Islamic, Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Buddhist communities.  It  aims to build stronger relationships between the respective communities, and foster greater engagement with the NSW Government on common issues and areas of importance.

Mark and the Executive Officer of Australian Association of Christian Schools, Vanessa Cheng, were able to engage directly with the Premier and other key NSW Government ministers present.



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