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The low bar for discrimination

The low bar for discrimination


A recent decision by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal shows just how broad discrimination, and potentially vilification, legislation can be.

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Australian Flags, National Anthem and Official Portraits

Australian Flags, National Anthem and Official Portraits


Symbols and practices are important elements of a nation’s culture. The recent reaction to the vandalism of commemorative memorials in Canberra demonstrates the powerful reactions they can illicit.

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Charitable sub-type and Constitution Review

Charitable sub-type and Constitution Review


CSA recently conducted a review of all CSA member schools regarding their charitable sub-type and constitutions as lodged with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

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Bullying No Way: National Week of Action

Bullying No Way: National Week of Action


The National Week of Action against Bullying and Violence (NWA) is a significant event where Australian school communities unite against bullying and violence.

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Privacy Laws and School Communication

Privacy Laws and School Communication


The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) imposes requirements regarding the collection and use of personal information about individuals. Such information, if collected for a specific purpose cannot be used for another purpose unless the individual consents.

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Prime Minister Must Intervene To Protect Religious Freedom

Prime Minister Must Intervene To Protect Religious Freedom


Over 250 Christian Schools are calling on the Prime Minister to intervene directly in the stalled Religious Freedom Bill and to ensure that the Albanese Government delivers on its election commitment to strengthen religious freedom protections.

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A 'Positive Right' for Christian Schools

A 'Positive Right' for Christian Schools


More than 2,200 signed postcards were delivered to the Prime Minister in conjunction with the launch of a new campaign for a “positive right” for Christian schools and other religious educational institutions.

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National Minimum Wage

National Minimum Wage


The Fair Work Commission has announced an 3.75% increase to the national minimum wage and also modern awards.

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