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Productivity Commission News: (Future foundations for giving)

Productivity Commission News: (Future foundations for giving)


The government have tabled the final report of the Productivity Commission’s inquiry which, if adopted, would eliminate tax deductions for school building funds and the provision of religious education in government schools.

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22/07/2024 12:00:00 AM
Latest on the NSW “Equality” Bill

Latest on the NSW “Equality” Bill


The so-called “Equality” bill remains before the NSW Parliament, and we are encouraging schools to take action to oppose it.

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28/06/2024 12:00:00 AM
Removal of 'gender identity' from the Conversion Practices Ban Act 2024

Removal of 'gender identity' from the Conversion Practices Ban Act 2024


A NSW Parliamentary petition is seeking the removal of gender identity from the recently passed Conversion Practices Ban Act - as sought in the CSA submissions

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26/05/2024 7:00:00 AM
Analysis of the NSW Conversion Practices Ban Act

Analysis of the NSW Conversion Practices Ban Act


After being rushed through Parliament, we have some time to consider the impact of this legislation which doesn’t take effect for 12 months.

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24/04/2024 7:00:00 AM
Submission Lodged to NSW

Submission Lodged to NSW "Equality" Bill Review Committee


A joint submission has been lodged on the Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill introduced by Alex Greenwich being considered by a NSW Parliamentary Committee.

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13/04/2024 11:00:00 PM
NSW Conversion Practices Ban Legislation Passed

NSW Conversion Practices Ban Legislation Passed


At 6:30am this morning, the Conversion Practices Ban Bill was passed by Parliament after an all night sitting - despite the legislation not coming into force for 12 months.

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22/03/2024 11:00:00 PM
A Bi-Partisan Religious Discrimination Bill IS possible.

A Bi-Partisan Religious Discrimination Bill IS possible.


Christian schools across Australia call upon the Government and the Opposition to work together in a spirit of respect and cooperation to achieve a bi-partisan Religious Discrimination Bill.

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20/03/2024 2:42:00 PM
Conversion Ban Will Prevent Parental and Teacher Guidance

Conversion Ban Will Prevent Parental and Teacher Guidance


Parents, teacher and school leaders have lots of questions that deserve answers following the introduction of the Minns Government’s Conversion Practices Ban Bill 2024.

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17/03/2024 2:42:00 PM