CSA seeks to embed and preserve the biblical distinctiveness of schools through the continued development of Christian approaches to educational practice, employment, training and development, based around the CSA Leadership Framework. CSA seeks to align events and professional learning offerings with the four phases of leadership explored in the CSA Leadership Framework and Leadership Rubric. On this page, you will find basic information about the the phases of leadership and how it connects to the Leadership Framework and Rubric. For more detailed information and access to resources, CSA members can access the Leadership Development Hub.

Phases of Leadership

The recently released CSA Leadership Rubric identifies that leadership development sits with a career path and is developmental. Four phases of leadership are recognised from emerging leaders through to experienced leaders. The target audience for most events and Professional Learning at CSA will be identified using the Phases of leadership development outlined in the CSA Leadership Rubric. An example of the various Phases of Leadership are briefly outlined below.

Phase 1 Leaders

Phase 1 Leaders are considered "New Leaders" and would generally be staff that are new to leadership or emerging leaders.

Phase 2 Leaders

Phase 2 Leaders are considered "Middle Leaders". They may hold current positions of Year Level Coordinator, Heads of Department, Executive Assistants, leaders in administration.

Phase 3 Leaders

Phase 3 Leaders are considered "Senior Leaders". These are typically staff who have been in leadership roles for some time and could hold positions of Deputy Principal, Head of School/Section, EA to Principal, Heads of Corporate Services.

Phase 4 Leaders

Phase 4 Leaders are considered "Executive Leaders" and are generally Principals, Business Managers, Directors of Corporate Services

CSA Leadership Matrix

The CSA Leadership Matrix outlines key constructs and domains in establishing a comprehensive leadership approach. The constructs include theological, contextual and professional components and together articulate 12 leadership practices to achieve four specific outcomes.

Phases of Leadership and the Leadership Framework

The four phases of leadership connect to the CSA Leadership Matrix and the 12 leadership practices outlined therein.

Learn more about CSA's Leadership Development Resources - member access only

Leadership Development Hub