Have your say | Review of the SA Multicultural Charter

20 October 2022

A draft South Australian Multicultural Charter (Multicultural Charter) has been developed , and the South Australian Government would like your feedback.


The South Australian Multicultural Act 2021 came into operation on 2 December 2021, replacing the former South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission Act 1980.

Developing the draft South Australian Multicultural Charter is one key part of bringing this new legislation to life and contains principles that will guide policy development and help inform service delivery across the state.

The development of the Multicultural Charter involves a three-stage engagement approach.

  • The first stage involved the establishment of a Charter Working Group, which is guiding the Charter’s overall development.
  • The second stage involved holding Stakeholder Engagement Forums in early August 2022. The first and second stages of the engagement process are now complete.
  • The third and final stage is this public and community consultation, which is vital part of the Multicultural Charter development process.

For more information on the engagement approach, please refer to the Consultation Map.

Get involved

Within many Christian schools there are families from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.  What can sometimes happen in documents such as the Multicultural Charter is that this diversity becomes the focus and the religious convictions they may hold is ignored.

With the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft South Australian Multicultural Charter it is important that religious diversity, and the strong Christian commitment of people from many different 'tribes and nations' is recognised.

Members of the South Australian Multicultural Commission, the leading advisory body on multicultural affairs, will lead the in-person and on-line consultations, with the support of Multicultural Affairs, Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

Find out more:

Have your say by:

  • Answering the survey
  • Register to attend an in-person or on-line forum
  • Emailing a submission to: [email protected]
  • Posting your written submission to: Multicultural Affairs, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, GPO Box 2343, Adelaide SA 5001


The consultations close on 30 November 2022, and you can find out more on the YourSAy website here.


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