Religious Freedom Week - October 16-22

19 September 2023

CSA works closely with Freedom for Faith, a Christian legal think tank that exists to see religious freedom protected and promoted in Australia.  In recognition of Religious Freedom Week (16-22 October), they are encouraging Christian organisations to run events that raise awareness as well as inspire prayerful engagement.

Suggested actions include:

Praying for religious freedom and the persecuted global church during the prayer time in your services or staff meetings.
Showing a PowerPoint slide and talking about the current challenges to religious freedom in Australia.
Encouraging staff, parents and the community to contact their local MP in support of religious freedom, and to positively communicate about the need to protect the work of Christian Schools.

Further information can be sourced from the above links, that connect with the Freedom for Faith website

At Christian Schools Australia, we recognise the need to protect our schools against opposition to our work in Christian Education, and therefore encourage engagement in this week of awareness and prayerful participation.


For further information, email Freedom for Faith.


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