Groundbreaking Research Opportunity with The Human Flourishing Program at Harvard and Research Schools International.

9 November 2023

It is with great excitement that CSA launched on 30th October its next piece of research on Christian schools! The project will explore student flourishing in adolescents at Australian Christian schools and what practices may support their flourishing.
The research project is entitled: Student Flourishing in Australian Christian Schools and will be coordinated by CSA and led by a research team at The Human Flourishing Program at Harvard and Research Schools International.


This project will explore student flourishing in Australian adolescents (12 to 18-year-olds) and the various practices associated with flourishing, with a particular focus on Christian practices in CSA member schools across Australia.

The research questions for this study include: 

Student flourishing 
1. To what degree are students flourishing across CSA schools?
2. Are there associations between individual differences (e.g., age) and family factors (e.g., religiosity of families, church attendance of families, family structure: e.g., married, single parent), socioeconomic status and flourishing and/or key aspects of flourishing (i.e., physical and mental health, close social relationships, meaning and purpose, good character and virtue, and happiness and life satisfaction) in students?

Practices, especially Christian practices, and student flourishing
3. Which Christian practices are carried out at school that are associated with flourishing in students? 
4. Which other evidence-informed practices are associated with flourishing and/or key aspects of flourishing in students? 

Dr Christina Hinton – Research Associate at the Human Flourishing Program Harvard and CEO Research Schools International. 
Dr Noah Padgett – Postdoctoral Fellow with the Human Flourishing Program Harvard. 
Dr Catherine Glennon – Director of Research Schools International. 
Dr Darren Iselin – Australian Research Project Coordinator.

In addition to these key researchers, we will also have Research Assistants from Dr. Christina Hinton’s team at Research Schools International and the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard.

If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding the research, please contact the Australian Project Coordinator, Dr Darren Iselin at [email protected].

Registrations will close on Friday, 9 December 2023.

Information Session

CSA staff, the research team from Research Schools International (RSI) and Human Flourishing Program at Harvard will host a Student Flourishing School Information session outlining further details about this project.

Date:  Monday, 13th November at 12:30 pm AEDT.
Location:  Zoom  

This is an excellent opportunity for you and/or your coordinator to hear about the project in greater detail from the project team as well as learn about the process for undertaking the survey for secondary students.

To participate in this information session from the researchers at Human Flourishing Project at Harvard and Research Schools International, please diarise the above date.  Access can also be obtained by clicking the button below or via

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