Schooling Matters:  Perceptions of Christian Church Attenders Research Findings Published

5 November 2023

The National Church Life Survey (NCLS) / CSA sponsored research: Schooling Matters: Perceptions of Christian Church Attenders about Christian Schooling was officially launched on Wednesday 25th October. The Webinar was hosted by NCLS and presentations were provided by Dr Daniel Pampuch, Dr Ruth Powell and Dr Darren Iselin.

Webinar Link

An extended Q and A with Dr Powell and Dr Darren Iselin concluded the program. The Webinar was very well attended (with over 250 registrations) and summarised the findings arising from the Report and reflections of how and why schooling matters to churchgoers, what influences choice of schools, the impact of school on their own lives, and their views of spirituality in learning and education.  You can view the webinar HERE.

The Report was based on the results from the 2021-22 National Church Life Survey across more than 20 denominations.  It provides the most comprehensive picture of church attender attitudes in Australia. These findings further reinforced the significant benefits of faith-based schooling experiences, graduate satisfaction and holistic outcomes for church attenders and the important work of formation and holistic development that are characteristic of these school communities.


All CSA member schools were sent both electronic and fully published versions of the Report and a 2-page infographic which was expertly designed by Tanya Pampuch. These documents are also available on the CSA website under Research

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