CSA Tertiary Partner Update

8 November 2023

As part of our commitment to the flourishing of Christian education in Australia, CSA has established key partnerships with a number of our Christian higher education providers from across the nation. These partnerships are developed to facilitate the promotion and engagement of our valued tertiary partners with our member schools and also encourage the implementation of a range of collaborative projects and other initiatives between CSA and our Christian higher education partners.


CSA are pleased to partner with the Australian Christian Higher Education Alliance which comprises 7 higher education institutions across 5 states. The alliance comprises of Alphacrucis College, Avondale University College, CHC Higher Education, Eastern College Australia, Excelsia College, Morling College and Tabor.
People in the ACHEA community are passionate about excelling and growing: academically, professionally, creatively, personally, spiritually, and in their understanding of the world and their place in it.

You can download their course guide HERE.


In the School of Education & Science at Avondale University, they are engaged in so many exciting activities.  They have created a “News” page that will be distributed 4 times a year (one during each school term). Download their news page HERE.


Further details on Tertiary Partnerships existing with CSA can be found on the Tertiary Partnership Page.

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