Democracy Means Listening To The People

3 June 2024

Joint Release by Australian Association of Christian Schools & Christian Schools Australia

Christian schools are calling on Minn’s Government to do better than the Committee on Community Services, listen to the people of New South Wales, and reject the misnamed Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023.

In their report into the Bill released earlier today the Committee on Community Services failed to provide any clear direction to Parliament or make any substantive findings about the Bill. The only clarity from the inquiry process came from the online survey conducted by the Committee. With over 13,000 responses the message was clear – more than 85% of people opposed the Bill. The majority of responses for all questions was to oppose the amendments – the results could not have been clearer.

‘Considering amendments to discrimination law, which has already been referred to the Law Reform Commission for review, would undermine due process,’ said Vanessa Cheng, Executive Officer of the Australian Association of Christian Schools.

‘Christian schools need protections to ensure that can continue to be authentic Christian schools and employ staff who share their beliefs’, she said.

‘This sweeping bill needs to be completely rejected’, said Mark Spencer, Director of Public Policy at Christian Schools Australia, ‘it reaches into a broad range of areas making significant changes without proper consideration’.

‘The Government already has proposals it has indicated will be introduced across a range of areas which need full and proper consideration, this Bill is a distraction that will draw resources away from where they are needed’, Mr Spencer indicated.





Media contacts:
For all media enquiries:
Vanessa Cheng, Australian Association of Christian Schools, 0416 277 372;
Mark Spencer, Christian Schools Australia, 0419 419 224.

For all media enquiries:

Mark Spencer

Director of Public Policy

Christian Schools Australia

Contact CSA Media

About Christian Schools Australia

Christian Schools Australia (CSA) is the largest association of Christian schools in the country and has member schools educating over 86,000 students and employing over 13,500 staff at more than 200 locations across Australia. CSA member schools provide high quality education within an authentic Christian learning community.