CSA Leadership Framework

CSA, in a landmark partnership with Andy Wolfe and Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership in the United Kingdom, have developed this ground-breaking new leadership resource: The CSA Leadership Framework. For Christian school leaders to flourish, they need to be equipped with a clear understanding of the types of practices that will enhance and expand their leadership capacity within Christian schools. The 12 leadership practices that are outlined in this document draw from explicitly biblical principles, Christian wisdom, and quality research. The practices have been identified, discussed, refined, and expanded through thoughtful and reflective conversations with theological experts and Christian educational leaders from across the United Kingdom and Australia, including a working party of 20 experienced and emerging leaders from member schools across Australia. The framework draws heavily from the work of the Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership, and in particular from their seminal work: Called, Connected, Committed: 24 Leadership Practices for Educational Leaders (2020). The framework also seeks to recognise the unique context of Christian schooling in Australia and embeds CSA Architecture and specifically Flourish materials within the framework. Furthermore, the framework links seamlessly to the Australian Institute of Teaching and Leadership (AITSL) Australian Professional Standards for Principals. The CSA Leadership Framework is an ideal starting point for the important conversation and work of leadership development within Christian schools. Read below part of the document foreword by Dr. Daniel Pampuch. Leadership is a fundamental part of providing excellent Christian education. Schools led well are flourishing, dynamic places to be. Schools that are led well, see staff empowered and released to do their vital work and young lives transformed so that they may take their place in the world. Good leadership often looks effortless. It is like witnessing a superb athlete, dancer or artist at work. They perform at such a high level that it almost appears that what they do is innate or a divine gift. Though some people are natural leaders most have grown and matured over time to be effective and of impact. To this end, CSA is committed to providing a leadership framework and an approach that will assist in training up a new generation of leaders to support the flourishing of Christian school communities across Australia. This CSA Leadership Framework is a valuable resource for Christian education. At the heart of the document is the motivation behind why one might choose to lead. This is a deep theological question and, if answered sufficiently, will ensure that aspirants pursue leadership for the right reasons. CSA has engaged with the work of the Church of England and believe their Called, Connected, Committed (CCC) approach establishes a strong basis for the entry into and through the leadership journey. There is nothing more powerful than a leader knowing that they are called to the work before them and, with Christ’s help, will be equipped and empowered for the work he has set for them to complete... * Please note this resource will be for CSA members only.

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CSA Leadership Framework

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Member Only Resource

File Size: 5MB


Creation Date: 30 Jul 2021

Latest Update: 14 Oct 2021

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