An Indigenous Residential Vocational Approach to Schooling

What does CSA profess in relationship with Australia's first people? That we seek to develop more than just a narrative with our indigenous brothers and sisters. As First and Second Peoples, we strive to journey together, creating socially just and equitable relationships and listening to and learning from one another. This is why we are so proud of CSA's association with CAPS - Christian Aboriginal Parent-directed Schools. They are showing one of many modes and models of schooling here at Wongutha. We support their staff and leadership team to deliver educational solutions, equipping their students to flourish in life in a manner and model that fits their context and needs. Asking the questions: Can we as Christian educators, go beyond the classroom, the teaching of lessons and model Jesus with real and authentic lives? Can we show caring and genuine practice as we meet our young people at their point of need? Encouraging them to build wellness, wholeness and resilience and encourage them to step into who they have been called to be?

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An Indigenous Residential Vocational Approach to Schooling

File Type: Vimeo

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Duration: 03:46

Modes & Models of Schooling

Creation Date: 02 Feb 2023

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